Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Betsy's Last Legs (Microfiction)

Welcome my dear, come in put your feet up and have a nice cup of tea! I decided to scribble "Betsy" after a friend put out a little Facebook request for stories "for a project". Hmm I thought, why not! But the request was a tough one, with a word count set at only 150 it would have to be tiny. I failed and the story ended up closer to 180 words, but no matter, because what I present to you now dear reader is the re-edit... Yes I went crazy and started inserting words all over the place. Not quite willy-nilly you'll be glad to know (well almost). This version stands at a mighty 290 words, yes count them if you doubt me, I dare you. Or you could just take my word for it (why not I've an honest face). For your entertainment, I present to you "Betsy's Last Legs", enjoy!

‘D’you know that Alanis Morissette track, you know the one, she warbles on about a load of “Ironic” shit and none of it is…

Thursday, 5 January 2012

The Story So Far...

So here we are in 2012... and so far so-so. At work we were asked for a short list of reading resolutions for this year (my place of work is a book shop in case you were wondering - no, we're not geeks... how dare you). My contribution to this wall of inspiration/shame, call it what you will, was given with almost minutes of thought and sits proudly with the following.

The Cider House Rules - John Irving
Post Office - Charles Bukowski
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami