Friday 22 January 2010

The Story So Far…

I finally managed to get to the cinema, to watch Avatar 3D last night – don’t panic! This isn’t going to be yet another review. But it got me thinking about life the universe and everything, not least why it has taken so long for me to see this film. Avatar a film that I had been eager to see since the trailers months before, I just haven’t had the time.

Admittedly I could have gone on my own a couple of times, but I promised to go with my ‘better half’. When did life get so weird that you have to make appointments to have a date with the person you live with? I have recently started my own business, this is very absorbing lots of meetings, seminars and coaching sessions – such is the life of a consultant. My partner also has a demanding job in the commercial sector of the construction industry.

On top of this I am writing, not as much as I would like, but on odd days – today is one of those days – I have almost the whole day to myself and plan to spend it slaving over my keyboard.

It may be a little late for a New Years Resolution, but here is mine – I’m going to make 2010 MY YEAR!

I’m going to work harder, write more. I will finish my novel and start another. I will do all this because; there is no-one who will do it for me. If I wait for the dream job, I may as well wait for the lottery to pay out - and I don’t play the lottery.

I’m sorry if this has turned in to some sort of mission statement. Normal service will resume shortly.

Until next time…

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